Bauer & Associates Attorneys at Law
Local: 386.734.3313
Toll Free: 800.738.0424
Offices located in DeLand, FL


That Was Supposed to be My Inheritance!

Most of us can think of an instance where a loved one makes a last-minute change to their estate planning documents, leaving someone who was once a beneficiary with nothing. This can be a scary, confusing, and emotionally troubling time; especially if it seems that this change was not made as a result of the […]

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How Can the Court Protect Estate Assets?

A probate court has the inherent jurisdiction to monitor the administration of an estate and to take such appropriate action as it may deem necessary to preserve the assets of the estate for the benefit of the ultimate beneficiaries.  The court has the authority to issue temporary injunctions freezing assets claimed to belong to a […]

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Can I Contest A POD Designation On A Bank Account?

There are many transfers of wealth at the time of death through POD (Pay on Death) and TOD (Transfer on Death) designations on bank accounts.  Such distributions are outside of a probate or trust administration.  A question often posed to us is “Can I challenge a POD designation made on a bank account by my […]

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Am I Free from Liability Under an LLC?

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding owning and operating a business as a Limited Liability Company is that the individual who owns the LLC is entirely insulated from personal liability. While an LLC does in fact offer protections to the individual who owns the LLC, there are several situations where the owner may find themselves […]

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What Makes a Will Valid?

A will is an instrument which directs and distributes an individual’s property upon their passing and is an integral part to any estate plan. Therefore, it is critical that a will be executed with all of the required formalities to ensure that it is valid and enforceable upon your passing. The first step to creating […]

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Was there Undue Influence?

A valid Last Will and Testament must be the free expression of the maker’s desire.  Therefore, if a Will is obtained through undue influence, it is likely invalid.  Undue influence contemplates that the testator’s mind was so controlled by persuasion, pressure, and outside influences that he or she did not act voluntarily, but was subject […]

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The Seller of my Home Failed to Disclose Issues with the Home

Oftentimes our clients run into scenarios that involve the purchase a home, and, after closing the buyer find that representations made by the seller concerning the conditions of the property were false, misleading, or deceptive. The buyer is often in a panic, fearing that they have just made the largest purchase of their life and […]

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What Deed is Best For Me?

A question we receive quite frequently in our office is, what is the difference between a general warranty deed, special warranty deed, and quit claim deed? The simplest answer is that each deed conveys a different scope of title assurance. The general warranty deed conveys the most title assurance and is the most commonly used […]

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Owning A Family Business – What is Your Plan?

The attorneys at Bauer & Associates regularly assist family run businesses.  One of the most common issues for owners of such businesses is to come up with a “business succession plan” – who will own and run the business in the future?  Sooner or later, every owner wants or needs to retire.  A complete succession […]

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Can I keep my home outside of Probate?

By Thomas S. Hill, Esq. One of the most common questions we get here at Bauer & Associates is “How can I keep my home out of probate following my death?” One method is to use a life estate deed. To ensure a Life Estate Deed or Enhanced Life Estate Deed is right for you, […]

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